What’s Next after Ark of the Unicorns Residency

Riding the wave of #NaNoWriMo I have resurrected a writing project I started in 2013 here in Japan. My non-fiction recipe book doesn’t exactly qualify but enough is the same to keep me encouraged each day. Evernote has kept all of my notes safe, all 78 of them, exactly as I left them! Found theContinue reading “What’s Next after Ark of the Unicorns Residency”

NaBloPoMo & NaNonFiWriMo: A Successful November!

Phew!! Writing both a blog post (almost)each day and writing a non-fiction book in a single month is a LOT of writing for one who doesn’t normally write. NaNonFiWriMo, National Non-Fiction Writing Month, was a really huge success for me. My idea for Tako Life, an octopus cookbook, has been sitting on the back burnerContinue reading “NaBloPoMo & NaNonFiWriMo: A Successful November!”

Sketchbook Look

Working on drawing Octopi this month to document my Tako Life cookbook project. Using my Evernote Moleskine, I am now getting a better idea of how I would like my pages and designs to look. Even the best colors to use. While 2D work is not my forte I do enjoy it just to colorContinue reading “Sketchbook Look”